Join us for a Special Community Shabbat Dinner this February 7! Join us for First Fridays! 6:30 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat Services 7:00 pm - Soup, Sushi, Salad & Sweets Social Great Food * Great Company * Great Shabbat Spirit All are Welcome! RSVPs appreciated. No Charge - Sponsorships Available $1000/$540/$180/Other Your Information: Full Name:* First Name Last Name E-mail:* Phone Number:* Area Code Phone Number Number of Attendees:* Please consider a sponsorship of any amount to help make meaningful community gatherings like this one possible. Your generosity is what brings us all together! Sponsorship Opportunities: Full - $1000Half - $500Quarter - $250Other (enter below) Other sponsorship amount: $ Payment Information: Total: $0.00 Yes, I'd like to donate the cost of processing this transaction by adding 3% Payment: Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page. Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.